Terapeut AnnSofi

Välkommen till

Ann-Sofi Hellmer

Cert. Hypnosterapeut
AuraTransformation TM

Vill du komma vidare i ditt liv och realisera din personliga kapacitet på allvar?

Skulle du vilja känna dig starkare, vara i bättre kontakt med din sanning och verka i vardagen från en plats där du fattar beslut med och från ditt hjärta? Önskar du dig bättre självkänsla och starkare utstrålning? Låter detta intressant kanske en AuraTransformation™ är rätt för dig.

www.sofihellmer.com & www.auratransformation.se

Varmt välkommen!

"Over decades I have been in search for a life where I would be in charge of my health and wellbeing, as well as living with my true and heart centered self, in harmony and balance. My search went through several countries as well as different methods, like homeopathy, herbs, hypnotherapy, EFT/Tapping, essential oils and more.

When I first read about the New Time Energy and Crystal and Indigo children I found answers to many questions. I got to understand and connect better with my children, I could see where I needed to go and what to do more clearly and to do an AuraTransformation™ was an obvious and easy choice.

After my AuraTransformation™ I felt complete and like an updated and upgraded version of myself and like the last and missing piece of the puzzle was found! I’m so very grateful for this process.

I live and work in Stockholm, Sweden but have spent 8 respectively 7 years in the UK and California, USA, that I visit on a regular basis.

If you are interested in finding and keeping your personal energy, to know your boundaries better, gain more strength, trust your intuition and live in balance on all levels, then AuraTransformation™ could be for you.

Please email me for more information and how AuraTransformation™ could benefit your life."

Kontakt och bokning

070 326 70 96



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